Monday, May 4, 2020

Bottle and the Hostel Girl

Bottle and the Hostel Girl

Addiction of tongue, addiction of eyes,
One who cant stop him, though he tries.
That causes his ruin that causes his fall,
Obviously bottle and the hostel girl.

Both have no fear : out of control,
Both exact the same seductive hole.
That fascinates men and makes them doll,
Obviously bottle and the hostel girl.

Seldom on head, mostly on feet,
Disgust, hatred and backbite a bit.
That makes ones life like a football,
Obviously bottle and the Hostel Girl.

Giggle of lion and tear of crocodile,
Comparing her love longer than the Nile.
Wine is poison, her eyes as fake pearl,
Obviously bottle and the hostel girl.

Bitter but sweet and sweet but bitter
Always out of touch but within a meter.
That sets forgetting own & forgetting all,
Obviously bottle and the hostel girl.

Former decays the soul, later breaks the heart,
Both seem elegant, but inside, full of dirt.
That causes ones ruin & causes ones fall,
Obviously bottle and the hostel girl.

Kalanki, Kathmandu,  1st Jan, 2010