Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Some Common Business Questions :

Post : Marketing Officer
Time: 1 hr

A: Underline the best answer for the followings questions:

1. Which of the following central to any definition of marketing?

a. Demand management b. Customer relationships

c. Making a Sale d. Making a profit

2. What sort of analysis should know company for betterment?

a. Threat Analysis b. SWOT & PESTLE Analysis

c. Opportunity Analysis d. Strength Analysis

3. What color is your brain?

a. Blue b. None

c. White d. Red

4. How do you solve your misunderstanding with your co-staffs?

a. Through tantrums b. Try to sort out

c. Tell your boss d. Ignore

5. What criteria should we go by looking for a job of Value?

a. Beauty b. Position

c. Benefit d. Good

6. What are the things we should have within us to show that he/she is fit for the


a. Attitude b. Specialist Skills

c. Egoistic d. Flexibility

7. What is the most vital thing that we need to get success at work?

a. Wisdom b. Selfish

c. Attitude d. Egoistic

8. What kind of people you want to be in the World/ Society?

a. Those you want to have around b. Those whose presence causes problems

c. those who presence or absence doesn’t make a difference d. others appreciate
 having around you.

9. What are the things that will lead you get a job in a Company?

a. Grades b. Social Status

c. Inner potential d. Physical appearance

10. Where do you find happiness?

a. At work b. Within us

c. At home d. At materialistic things

11. What kind of work you prefer to do?

a. Easy b. Challenging

c. don’t want to work d. where there is money

12. How do you pass your spare time at office?

a. Gossiping with your co-staff b. going to the unnecessary website

c. Studying the competitors c. making innovative and effective marketing strategy

13. What do you see in the Company?

a. Size b. Brand

c. Opportunities d. Co-staffs

14. The work of an international marketer is mainly concerned with:

a. Establishing global brands b. Translating product instructions and advertising

c. Adapting a marketing mix to enter a market in another country

d. Transferring a marketing mix to enter a market in another country

15. What is the key controllable factor in global marketing?

a. Marketing activities and plans b. social and technical changes

c. government policy and legislation d. all of the above

16. With the globalization of markets the tastes and preferences of consumers

 worldwide are:

a. Being encouraged by multinational organization to become increasingly

b. Becoming similar to the tastes and preferences of American consumers

c. Converging upon a global norm

d. So different that they can be ignored by international

B: Answer the following Questions:

1. What is your philosophy towards work?

2. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

3. What is your greatest strength?

4. What is more important to you: the money or the work?

5. What motivates you to do your best on the job?

6. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?

7. What qualities do you look for in a boss?

8. Are you ready for traveling anywhere?

9. Can you suggest the 4 suitable names for our new project at Old Baneshwor?

10. Why do you want to enter in Marketing?

11. How much knowledge do you have in Housing Project?

12. If you are selected how will you prove that will be assets to our Company?

13. How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?

14. Tell me about the salary range you are seeking?

15. What two or three things are most important in your job?

16. How would you describe your leadership skills?

17. How will you prove become liked and trusted at work?

18. What is the shortest definition of Marketing?

19. What type of people do you work with most effectively?

20. What is your dream job?

21. What things impress you in colleagues?

22. What experience do you have in this field?

Questions adolted by:-


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Law Of Love

Newton's theory of love:-

Universal law- "Love can neither be
created nor destroyed,but it can transfer
from one girlfriend to another girlfriend
with some loss of money"
First law-"A boy in love with a girl,continue
to be in love with her and a girl in love with
him,until or unless any external agent
(brother or father of the girl) comes into
play and breaks the legs of the boy."
Second law-"The rate of change of
intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is
directly proportional to the instantaneous
bank balance of the boy and the direction
of this love is same to as increment or
decrements of the bank balance."
Third law-"The force applied while
purposing a girl by a boy is equal and
opposite to the force applied by the girl
while slapping." :D
Science_is_applicable_everywhere !!
(Copied from friend's wall on Facebook)

Friday, April 25, 2014

प्रेम कहानी

BY Arun Gnawali

प्रेम कहानी ( शिखरिणी)

कहाँ पोखौँ मैले असफल कथा यो पिरतीको
मलाई दिन् रातै अति जलन पार्ने प्रियसीको
बनाउँला भन्थेँ शरद रितुको प्रेम अमर
तिमी बाटो मोड्यौ रहर बनिगो आज रहर ।१।

थियो कालो लामो चमक भरिलो केश शिरमा
सिधै घायल्  पार्थे नयन म्रिगकाझैँ ति दिनमा
  पागल्  हुन्थेँ  हौ जब जब तिमी चुल्बुल गरी
लगाउँथ्यौ  आँखा तिर परबाटै  घरिघरी

तिमीले हाँस्दामा जगत सबयो उज्वल भयो
तिमीले रुँदामा कुटुकुटु भयो मन् जलन भो
प्रिये मेरो आफ्नो सुख दु: भनेकै सब थियौ
पो साट्थेँ पीडा अब मकन एक्लो गरिदियौ ।३।       

तिमी जून्झैँ लाग्थ्यौ  मन शितल पार्ने गरममा
तिमी धुन्झैँ लाग्थ्यौ अति मधुर बोली बचनमा
तिमी फूल्झैँ लाग्थ्यौ  मगमग भरिन्थ्यौ पवनमा
तिमी मुल्झैँ लाग्थ्यौ बगर सरि यो जीवन महाँ ।४।

कमाउँला मैले अरब अरबौँ  सम्पति  अनी  
बनाउँला अग्लो घर शहरमा भै अति धनी 
बसौँला  दिन्  रातै हरबखत पैसा गनिगनी
सधैं केही केही अपुग रहने भो तरपनी ।५।

 कुनै दिन् भेट् हुँदा अपरिचित जस्तै बनिकन
नहिँडे है प्यारी अझ हृदय पोल्ने गरिकन
कता छौ खै काली हरबखत तिम्रै छु जपमा
परानै हौ मेरो पलपल बहन्छौ रगतमा ।६। 

चखेवाका जोडी जब समिपमा देख्दछु ता
तिनै दिन्को झल्को मनमगजमा फिर्दछ हा
सधैं पार्थ्यौ आँखा पिलपिल  जाँदा अलि पर
भएँ एक्लै भन्थ्यौ फिरफिर छिटो बेर नगर l 
( गराउँथ्यौ  फिर्ने  उहिपल  तिमी लौ   गरी कर ) ।७।

महीना माघै थ्यो समय अति ठन्डा वरपर 
पढाई सक्काई अब फिरुँ भन्दै सब घर
पुगेकाथ्यौँ हामी जब चउरमा त्यो बखतमा
तिमीलाई देखेँ उहिपल बसालेँ मगजमा ।८।

कुरेँ बोल्ने भन्दै बिसदिन कतै भेट् गरिकन
तिमी अन्तै अन्तै हरपल कुर्दै झनझन
बिते धेरै दिन् रात् छटपट भयो हर बखतमा
अहा मौका मिल्यो उहि चउरमा एक् समयमा ।९।

अती काँपे खुट्टा ढुकढुक भयो यो मुटु पनि
कसोरी बोल्ने हो प्रथम पलमा लौ अब भनी  
भनी जे जे होला सहज सँग बोलेँ उसदिन  
बिताउँला भन्दै जनम भरि माया गरिकन ।१०।

दिई यौटा रातो अति चमकिलो फूल अनी
तिमीलाई माया हरसमय गर्नेछु भनी
मनैमा गुम्सेका भनि सब कुरा गद्गद बनी
बिदा माँगे छिट्टै शुभ खबर पाउँ भनी ।११।

कुरेँ यौटा हप्ता समय अति लामो बनिदियो
चिठी पाएँ छिट्टै खबर भनेझैँ शुभ थियो
पुगे मेरा सारा रहरहरु भन्दै अब छिटो
कतै टाढा जाऔँ बसि गफ गरौँला अति मिठो ।१२।

तिमीनै आउँथ्यौ प्रतिदिन सुत्दा सपनिमा
उठे तिम्रै मायाँ  पलपल सताउने बिपनिमा
कती बेला देखौं भनि नयन यी ब्याकुल भए
यसै गर्दागर्दै दिन अनि महीना बितिगए ।। 
यसै गर्दागर्दै कति दिन हप्ता बितिगए १३l )

थिए डाँडा पाखा सकल हरिया भैकन सफा
ता ठन्डा तातो खुशि फिरि गए जीवहरुका
बिते गर्मी बर्षा शरदरितुको आगमन भो
यता धेरै लामो समयपछि हाम्रो मिलन भो ।१४।

कतै टाढा पुग्यौँ घर शहर छाडीकन दुवै  
(पुग्यौँ ज्यादै टाढा घर शहर छाडीकन दुवै)
छुँदै एक् अर्काका करकमल रोमान्चित हुँदै
चखेवा लाम्पुच्छ्रे मयुर पनि जोडी बनिकन
डुलेका देखिन्थे बहुत खुशि लाग्थ्यो मनमन ।l १५ ll

निकै राम्री जून् झैँ अझनयनमा गाजलु भरी
हरीयो कुर्तामा सजिइकन हाँस्दै घरिघरी
कुरा गर्दागर्दै जब चुनरि तान्थ्यौ तलतल
मलाई त्यो लाग्थ्यो जनम भरिकै सुन्दर पल ।l १६ ll    

तिमी जैले हेर्थ्यौ भुइँ तिर लजाई अलिकता
निकै थोरै बोल्थ्यौ उसपल नमानी सहजता  
दुई मान्छे यौटै मन मुटु भएथ्यो उसघडी  
नहोस् लाग्थ्यो राती बरु दिन बनोस यै अलिबढी ।l १७ ll

सधैं देख्दा लाग्थ्यो चिरिबिरि गरेकी चरि तिमी
कि ता स्वर्गै छाडीकन तल झरेकी परि तिमी
नझिम्काई आँखा गगनतल देखी सुर पनि
तिमीमै हेर्दा हुन् हरपल सबै पागल बनी ।l १८ ll 

निकै बढ्यो पैलो भ्रमणपछि माया दिनदिन
हुनै पर्थ्यो हाम्रो हरकिसिमले बात् छिनछिन
हराएका हुन्थ्यौँ मधुर सपनामा थरिथरी
सधैं राती रातीतक बसि मिठा बात् गरिगरी ।l १९ ll  

खनौँला खेत् बारी मिलिजुलि दुबैले दिनभरी
बसौँला रातीमा अतिमधुर मीठा गफ गरी
मकैको आटोमा दुधदहि घरैको अलिकति
मिलाई खाऊँला खुसिसित रहौँला हरघडि ।l २० ll     

मजाको चौपारी अनि समिपमा मन्दिर थियो
जहाँ यौटा राधा अनि किसनको तस्बिर थियो
गरुँ लाग्थ्यो माया युगयुग हजारौंँ युग भरी
गरेका थे राधा अनि किसन ले प्रेम जसरी ।l २१ ll

२०७१ बैशा